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Blue Light™ expands its reach across Western Australia

Published: April 26, 2022 9:19am

Blue Light™ continues to expand as we proudly welcome six new Blue Light™ Units to support disadvantaged children in remote and rural areas across WA:




Three Springs



PCYC now supports 48 Blue Light™ Units with our reach spreading as far South as Mount Barker, across to the East in Warakurna and as far North as Wyndham, working hard to ensure there is a PCYC Centre or Blue Light™ Unit wherever children need our services.

Despite the challenging times of COVID-19 in our communities, over 1,500 children and young people have attended Blue Light™ events this year. Discos are often what comes to mind when people think of Blue Light™, but our Blue Light™ Units now engage children and young people with a wide range of activities from pool parties to movie nights, sports clinics and much more.

As well as keeping children and young people active, Blue Light™ activities also build relationships and trust between the WA Police and young people in regional communities.

Stay tuned or follow our Blue Light Facebook page to see what else our Blue Light™ Units get up to this year!