Carnarvon’s shooting stars
Congratulations to Carnarvon PCYC’s Junior Activity Instructor Latisha Ranger, who has secured a Shooting Stars traineeship.
A current year 12 student, Latisha will commence work with Shooting Stars for one day a week at the centre. Latisha has been a participant in the program since 2016 and says that the support provided has kept her at school.
Shooting Stars is an initiative of Netball WA and Glass Jar Australia, which uses netball and other tools as the vehicles to drive greater engagement and attendance at school of young Aboriginal girls living in WA’s remote communities and regional towns.
In conjunction with the Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet, the program was established in 2014, as part of the Indigenous Advancement Strategy.
Latisha is the second PCYC instructor to benefit from the program, following Junior Activity Instructor Saripha Sesar, who undertook the traineeship last year. Saripha’s experience demonstrated first-hand the opportunities, knowledge and personal development that comes with working with Shooting Stars.
Shooting Stars Executive Officer Fran Haintz congratulated Latisha on this achievement. “Shooting Stars empowers young Aboriginal girls and women by providing a foundation for success,” said Haintz. “Whilst Shooting Stars is a school educational engagement program, we also look to provide pathways for our participants beyond high school and into the workforce.”