Gymnastics milestone for PCYC
Bunbury and Gosnells PCYC hosted the organisation’s annual Regional Gymnastics competitions: in total, almost 300 gymnasts participated, with some travelling from as far as Kalgoorlie and Albany!
As the last round took place at Gosnells PCYC, the Centre was bustling with excitement and nerves, both from the parents and the young people: “I was really nervous all the way here” said Lizzie, 10, from Kalgoorlie “but once we got there I could relax again”.
“Most of these students would have been training for the past year for this event, so this is a big deal for them” said Fiona Hearn, PCYC Gymnastics Coordinator.
Delilah, 9, who has been going to Fremantle PCYC for the past three years was also a bit nervous, but her parents helped her focus on the fun – according to her mother, what makes them keep coming to PCYC is that there is “a good atmosphere and the young coaches are great role models”.
Both coaches and judges ensured that the mood remains light and fun: coach Jane from Kensington PCYC entertained her gymnasts with some dance moves, while judge Laura from Subiaco PCYC addressed the children with “I expect to see great things from you today – but most importantly remember to have fun!”
Piper, 9, follows her dad’s footsteps since he used to practice gymnastics at Armadale PCYC as a child. She particularly enjoys the friendly coaches at Gosnells PCYC, in comparison to the strict dance classes that she used to attend. And even though her family is moving home to a different suburb, they’ll continue to come back to Gosnells twice a week for training – very dedicated!
Hanna, 9.5 from Kalgoorlie also trains four hours a week “I like the way gymnastics flows and the elegance you have to put into it”. For Ellen, 10, the uneven bars are her favourite “it makes me feel like I’m flying!"
Special mention to Gosnells, Kalgoorlie and Kensington PCYC students who were particularly vocal at encouraging each other from the side-lines.
Keep your eyes peeled for the next big event our gymnasts are training for: the State Championships!
There is a good atmosphere at Fremantle PCYC and the young gymnastics coaches are great role models.