Out of School Care kids raise $1,000 at Christmas Fundraiser
The Christmas fundraiser organised by the Out of School Care team was a great success with over 50 families coming to enjoy the bouncy castle, face painting, outdoor games and sausage sizzle.
“The children really wanted to do something to help the fundraiser”, said Melanie Scholes, Kensington Out of School Care Coordinator – so they made lots of Christmas biscuits and colourful bracelets to be sold at the event.
Of course, Santa made an appearance, which prompted all the children to line up for a picture!
Families also took part in silent auctions, with awesome prizes donated by Bunnings, Jim’s Mowing, Perth Races and Reading Cinemas. A local gardening enthusiast also donated a heap of gorgeous-looking succulents for PCYC to sell, and the Men’s Shed cooked a delicious sausage sizzle with the food generously supplied by Woolworths.
Thanks to everyone who contributed and made the event such a success. It was a real community effort with a great result for PCYC kids!