PCYC Gymnastics State Championships 2022
The PCYC Gymnastics calendar had one of its most important competitions for the year ticked off: the State Championships!
The event ran over three days, from the 29th to the 30th of October, with seven rounds and over 200 gymnasts competing. To qualify, gymnasts had to place in the top eight for their age group at the Regional events at Gosnells PCYC in August and September.
This was a long-awaited weekend as some gymnasts would have practiced their routines for more than 12 months, as competitions were delayed last year due to COVID-19.
Most gymnasts were nervous to display their skills in front of the crowd of parents, guardians and family members, but coaches made it clear to their students that qualifying itself is a real achievement.
“We make the point that being a part of the competition is already a privilege, anything above that is just icing on the cake” said Corinne, Gosnells PCYC Coach.
Fiona Hearn, PCYC Gymnastics Coordinator and judge of floor skills reminded the gymnasts that having fun is what’s most important.
At the end of the rounds, the top three of each skill received medals, and each level was awarded with ‘Best Overall’ trophies. Interestingly, one can receive a ‘Best Overall’ trophy without necessarily making the top three in a skill. This resulted in tears of surprise for one young gymnast, who didn’t qualify in any top three but who performed well across all skills and rightfully deserved a ‘Best Overall’!
Gymnastics is a sport that can keep you on your toes, as coaches noted that some students can put too much pressure on themselves and slightly hinder their performance, whilst for some the added pressure is just what they need to push themselves to the next level. As a result, those who perform well most days are not necessarily winning all the medals, giving the opportunity for other students to shine.
Fiona Hearn concluded that the standard keeps improving year-on-year and said the teamwork between coaches to help the event run smoothly had been outstanding.
Enjoy the photo gallery of the gymnasts’ impressive moves taken during day three.