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Rockingham expands!

Published: July 02, 2019 12:00am

Rockingham PCYC has received $100,000 from Mineral Resources Limited to construct a purpose-built training facility to deliver more programs for young people at risk and those that need a different approach to learning.

We're excited to be able to launch the accredited course, Automotive I, the perfect grounding for young people interested in entering the automotive industry.

The course covers stripping and rebuilding engines and brakes, car servicing, welding and soldering, refitting and balancing tyres plus car electrics.

We will also continue to facilitate the Rockingham PCYC and South Metropolitan TAFE Weld to Life program which enables young people the chance to learn technical skills in a hands-on environment. Participants graduate from this accredited course with a Certificate I in Metals and Engineering and a Certificate I in Wider Opportunities for Work.

The grand opening of our new training facility is scheduled for late October – so watch this space!