Roebourne PCYC Centre Manager attends national summit on First Nations gender equity and justice in Canberra
Roebourne PCYC Centre Manager, Natasha Walker, a proud First Nations woman, travelled to Canberra to attend the three-day Wiyi Yani U Thangani National Summit.
Over 900 First Nations women delegates from across Australia, plus non-Indigenous women collaborators, came together to discuss, learn and make decisions about how to work towards First Nations gender justice and equity.
The purpose of the summit was for First Nations women to share stories, ideas, and knowledge, plus to collaborate on a national approach that centres around First National women and girls’ rights and interests based on the landmark Wiyi Yani U Thangani (Women’s Voices) project. Conversations at the summit centred around the following key themes: leadership and self-determination, culture, languages, country and water rights, societal healing and economic justice. These are all integral to creating a healthy and engaged existence for First Nations people.
Natasha was grateful for the opportunity to attend the summit and connect with other women working across various sectors to protect First Nations girls and women's rights, well-being and interests.
In a statement issued at the conclusion of the summit, the delegates expressed the value of this landmark event that connected First Nations women from all over Australia, “Across these spaces, all workshops and presentations, we have had a diversity of conversations that brings together the incredible richness of initiatives, ideas and perspectives of First Nations women and our young ones.
“At a point in history when big structural reforms and social and environmental shifts are occurring, listening and responding to our women and girls’ voices has never been more vital.”
As an organisation that works with many First Nations girls and women, PCYC acknowledges the importance of these discussions and learning about the best path forward to achieve First Nations gender justice and equality.
Our Reconciliation Action Plan outlines our commitment to supporting improved outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, which you can read here.

Wiyi Yani U Thangani Summit day one. (Photo: Jillian Mundy AHRC)
Hero picture: Elaine Chambers, We Are Creative 27 and Carbon Creative