Young people find their voice at Bunbury safeSPACE™
Teenagers from Bunbury PCYC’s safeSPACE™ Program have been given the gift of music with the help of music teacher, Carus Thompson.
Each week, local young people have been learning how to play various musical instruments and write their own lyrics and songs. As well as picking up a new skill, writing their own lyrics has provided young people with a platform to safely express themselves.
Not only is it fun but learning how to play an instrument is a great distraction for young people looking for an escape from the daily challenges that they face. The sessions also focus on developing participants’ skills in teamwork, leadership, cooperation, with the aim of increasing levels of literacy, self-confidence, creativity and self-worth.
Thanks to a generous donation from the Commonwealth Community grant, Bunbury PCYC were able to purchase a mini keyboard, Djembe Drum and seven ukuleles to ensure all participants are fully equipped.
Bunbury PCYC Centre Manager, Katie Penches said, “Learning musical instruments can often be an expensive hobby, so these workshops provide young people with the opportunity to try something new and for some, unlock a passion or talent for music that they didn’t know they had.”
The 9-week program has allowed young people to try a range of instruments, starting with ukulele lessons before progressing onto more complex instruments such as the keyboard and guitar.