Reporting a Safeguarding Concern
If you have concerns for the immediate safety of a child or young person call 000.
If you need help completing a Safeguarding Incident Report, you can download The Safeguarding Reporting Process Guide or contact the Safeguarding Manager on 0448 771 068 for assistance.
The Safeguarding Incident Report Form can be used by anyone to report abuse, a concern about the well-being of a child or young person within the PCYC statewide. The person making the report does not need proof or evidence to make a report. All concerns, allegations or complaints will be taken seriously and treated with sensitivity. Matters will be acted on in accordance with the PCYC Privacy Policy and with moral, ethical and legal obligations.
PCYC Staff Flow Charts
It is a legal requirement in WA for doctors, nurses, midwives, teachers, police officers, boarding supervisors and ministers of religion to report child sexual abuse to the Department of Communities’ Mandatory Reporting Service. If you are a mandatory reporter, you can access the portal here
For more information on mandatory reporting in Western Australia click here